
  • 10:34pm Side One by Dolly Mixture on Demonstration Tapes (Spa Green)
  • 10:44pm Side One by Astute Palate on S/T (Petty Bunco)
  • 11:01pm Side Two by Charles Lloyd on Warm Waters (Kapp)
  • 11:24pm Side One by Witch on Lazy Bones (Now Again)
  • 11:44pm Side One by Bridge Of Flowers on A Soft Day’s Night (ESP)
  • 12:09am Side One by The Golden Dawn on Power Plant (IA boot)
  • 12:31am Side One by Cobra Killer on S/T LP (DHR)
  • 12:52am Side One by The Lyman Family on American Avatar (Reprise )
  • 1:34am Side One by Lavender Flu on Tomorrow Cleaners (Self Released )
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