03/11/22 Sub Shift- Variety Hour
- 5:00pm Downtown Train by Tom Waits on Rain Dogs (Island Def Jam Music Group)
- 5:04pm Arachnid by Celsius, Paul Goldfinger on If I Forget, It's Only Because I Forgot (DK (LOCAL))
- 5:09pm Mercurial World by Magdalena Bay on Mercurial World (Luminelle ((HOTBOX)))
- 5:09pm PSA by PSA on PSA (PSA)
- 5:12pm You Lose! by Magdalena Bay on Mercurial World (Luminelle (HOTBOX))
- 5:16pm Analog Sentamentalism by Parannoul on To See the Next Part of the Dream (Longinus Recordings)
- 5:20pm JBS by Chaz Bundick Meets The Matson 2 on Star Stuff (Company Records)
- 5:30pm Buckingham Green by Ween on The Mollusk (Electra Entertainment)
- 5:31pm Pangaea Girls by Candy Claws on Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time (Indiecater)
- 5:35pm kasanonakanote by ohzora kimishima on housou (N/A)
- 5:39pm A Clean Break (Let's Work)- Live by Talking Heads on The Name of This Band is Talking Heads (Sire Records Company)
- 5:45pm Dark Entries Live @ The Royal Court Court, Liverpool by Bauhaus on Press The Eject and Give Me the Tape (Beggars Banquet )
- 5:50pm Terror Couple Kill Colonel (Live @ Le Rose Bon, Paris) by Bauhaus on Press The Eject and Give Me the Tape (Beggars Banquet)
- 5:54pm Ether by Gang Of Four on Entertainment! (Warner Bros. Records)
- 5:55pm PSA by PSA on PSA (PSA)
- 5:58pm Swordfishtrombone by Tom Waits on Swordfishtrombones (Island Def Jam Music Group)
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