GBG (11/28)
- 2:09pm Let It Be by Beatles on 1 (Apple)
- 2:12pm Octopus's Garden by The Beatles on 1967-1970 (Apple)
- 2:15pm Back In The USSR by Beatles on 1967-1970 (Apple)
- 2:19pm Help! by Beatles on 1 (Apple Records)
- 2:19pm Eight Days A Week by The Beatles on Beatles For Sale (Apple Corps)
- 2:22pm P.S. I Love You by The Beatles on Please Please Me (Apple Corps)
- 2:25pm From Me To You by The Beatles on 1 (Apple)
- 2:26pm Paperback Writer by Beatles on 1 (Apple)
- 2:28pm Hello, Goodbye by The Beatles on 1 (Apple Corps)
- 2:32pm Hey Jude by Beatles on 1 (Apple)
- 2:39pm Yesterday by The Beatles on Help! (Apple Corps)
- 2:54pm PSA by PSA on PSA (PSA)
- 2:54pm PSA by PSA on PSA (PSA)
- 2:57pm Stop by Lipstereo on Modern Mythology (Pop Preservation Society (HOTBOX))
- 2:59pm Foot Control by Dumb on Pray 4 Tomorrow (Mint Records (HOTBOX))
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